Test Correction and Feedback


1. Each year of study in the ULAT contains far more than 15 tests and students are encouraged to take all of the ULAT’s test as a means of self-evaluation.  Nevertheless, for the purpose of this course of studies, students will submit only 15 total tests to their ULAT instructor for evaluation.  These 15 tests have been carefully selected to encompass each course’s most essential objectives.

2. Students have one year from the beginning of their subscription to submit all 15 tests corresponding to one year’s course of study. Students may progress at their own pace. There is no pre-determined date at which a test must be submitted. All that matters is that all 15 tests be submitted within one year’s period of time.

3. After students have submitted their test to a ULAT instructor, they will receive an e-mail containing feedback, a grade for their test and a transcript containing their cumulative grade to that point of the course, the scores of the tests already taken and a list of the tests that remain to be taken in the course.

4. VERY IMPORTANT! To ensure the integrity of the course, it is imperative that a parent or supervisor, hereafter referred to as the “remote supervisor” be present while students are taking their tests.

The Test-Taking Process

5. Immediately before beginning the test and without consulting the student as to a preferred form, the remote supervisor randomly selects one of the forms of the test for the student to take.

6. The remote supervisor must remain present during the test to ensure that the student not have access to any written notes while taking the test and that the student not stop the recording once the test has begun.

7. In the case of an oral test, students record their voice and, attaching the sound file to an e-mail, send the recording to their ULAT instructor.

8. Unless in the case of mechanical malfunction in the recording process, students may only make one recording. They may not take the test multiple times, sending only the best version to the ULAT instructor. Once the recording has started, it must be completed and submitted as is.

9. In the case of a written test, students simply type their writing or responses into a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, attach it to an e-mail which they send to their ULAT instructor.

10. To facilitate evaluation, in the subject line of the e-mail, students place the lesson number (1.4, 1.8, etc.) followed immediately by the form of the test that was taken (A,B,C,D), the language being studied and then, in parenthesis, his or her ULAT student number. Thus, if student “0123” took form “C” of lesson 1.4 test for French, the subject line of the e-mail should read “1.4C FRENCH (0123)”.

The Tests

11. Below you can see the specific tests to be taken and submitted depending on the student’s level of studies. You will note that correction and feedback only takes place for oral tests. This is because the written answers are provided for written tests within the ULAT website, thus making those tests easier to correct for the remote supervisor himself or herself. Written tests for these same objectives can be found in Units 5 and 9.

Spanish I and French I (oral tests only)

  • 1.16 – Negative sentence and question formation
  • 1.39 – 60 most common verbs
  • 1.44 – Present simple verb conjugation
  • 1.50 – 2-minute self presentation
  • 2.2 – Interrogatives
  • 2.9 – 2-minute summary of the first Richardson story
  • 2.12 – Present simple conjugation with the daily routine verbs
  • 2.16 – Expressing time and daily routine vocabulary
  • 2.18 – 3-minute presentation of your daily routine
  • 2.23 – The use of modals and the near future tense
  • 2.28 – 2-minute summary of the second Richardson story
  • 3.4 – Adjective position and agreement
  • 3.7 – Clothing and colors
  • 3.9 – Parts of the body and physical condition
  • 3.10 – Family relationships

Spanish II and French II (oral tests only)

  • 3.16 – Possessive adjectives
  • 3.18 – Possessive pronouns and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
  • 4.1 – Prepositions
  • 4.5 – Interior and exterior of the home
  • 4.10 – Objectival pronouns
  • 4.22 – Food, cooking and table-setting vocabulary
  • 4.23 – Food, cooking and table-setting vocabulary
  • 6.3 – Imperative mood (commands)
  • 6.13 – Preterite (Spanish)/Passé Composé (French) with Common Verbs numbers 1 – 60
  • 6.13 – Preterite (Spanish)/Passé Composé (French) with the daily routine verbs
  • 6.26 – Direct and indirect object pronouns
  • 7.2 – Comparatives and superlatives
  • 7.8 – Present perfect (passé composé for French)
  • 7.14 – Pluperfect tense
  • 7.21 – Imperfect tense