- Click HERE and practice the tests found at the end of lesson 3.7.
- Click HERE to go to lesson 3.8 and perform the activities found in the first three sections. For an explanation of the game found in section 2, click HERE.
Classroom teachers, click HERE to view and to print a lesson plan for today's class.
You can access previous days' lessons by clicking on the numbers below:
Day 139 - Using adjectives of physical description
Day 140 - Using adjectives of physical description
Day 143 - Adjectives of emotion
Day 144 - Adjective agreement and the verb "to be"
Day 145 -Adjective agreement and the verb "to be"
Day 146 - Adjective placement and the use of multiple adjectives
Day 147 -Adjective placement and the use of multiple adjectives
Day 151 - 4-level description of people